Thursday, May 10, 2018

It will happen...

Yesterday I was watching a show and as I watched this one scene I couldn't hold back the tears. I am ready to add to our family. I am ready to be blessed by the amazing spirit that will be joining our family. I am trying to be patient, but it is so hard! I know that when this does happen for us it will all make sense. Or maybe it won't but at that time it won't matter. The struggle is real! And we can definitely say it will be/is part of our story.

I was talking to a friend earlier this week and she made the comment that there are reasons we are asked to wait. When we are going down a path that we have been asked to walk, there are often other lessons to learn, or the path leads to other destinations as well. It is all part of our growth here on this earth. So even though this waiting is down right frustrating at times, there is a purpose in it. It will happen just how it is suppose to. For now we will push on and share our journey along the way.

It's been a year since we announced that we wanted to adopt, and almost 2 years since I first felt the HUGE prompting that started it all. We are not any closer than we were a year ago. I have no clue why we felt that we should announce our plans, I just know that we felt it was something we were suppose to do. So we did it. And yet we are still waiting. I just know that we are to have faith that it will all work out when it is suppose to, and for now we are to trust, and be patient. I can trust and have faith, patience it something I am trying really hard to work on.

We will continue pushing on, and hopefully this process will happen sooner than later. 
I will continue to work on my patience. Practice makes perfect, right?

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